**Stuffed Avocados**
What you need:
**2 fresh ripe organic hass avocados
**10-14 organic sugar plum or grape tomatoes (I used sugar plum)
**1-2 organic persian cucumbers (depending on how much you want to make with two cucumber you will have enough left over for the next day)
**2 chopped up jalapeno peppers (I like the taste of the jalapenos in the jar for this recipe)
**3-4 chopped up olives (You can exclude any of the ingredients listed if you are not a fan of that specific food item & sub for something you really like)
** 1 sliced up garlic clove
**2-3 tablespoons of Tahini Order Here(I really like the taste of tahini so I mixed 3 tablespoons)
**1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
**1/2 teaspoon of onion powder
**1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
**1/2 teaspoon of himalayan salt
**Optional: add 1/2 pickle sliced up
How to make:
Slice up all your items inside of a mixing bowl I started with cucumbers and tomatoes
I then added the garlic, jelepenos, olives etc (Feel free to add scallions/green onions as well)
Next after all your items are sliced (REMEMBER SLICE THEM TINY so they will fit nicely inside of the avocado)
Add 2-3 tablespoons of tahini or you can use hummas. (I prefer tahini)
Mix together until all the food sticks together
When it looks like picture above, you are almost done. Woohoo. Next slice your avocados in half and remove seeds.
Once seed is removed take a spoon and fill avocado hole with mix. Sprinkle your seasonings on top and Eat up!
Avocado benefits– Avocados contain omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin E, carotenoid leutein for healthy eyes, high doses of potassium (30% more than a banana) and so many more amazing vitamins. Eating avocados help with anti-aging, digestion, healthy eye, heart, and brain health. They help protect against cancer, and are known to be good during pregnancy for the growing with brain and other vital organ development fetus(Be sure to consult with your health care provider and do research as well).Click Here
Tomato benefits– Tomatoes are a very rich source of vitamin c, potassium, and beta-carotene. They are packed with antioxidants and know to help purify the blood. They help provide cardiovascular health, bone health, anti-aging, and tomatoes help fight against cancer. Learn More Here
Cucumber benefits– Helps to flush toxins out of your systems, aid with getting rid of kidney stones, promote healthy nails and skin, helps with promoting a healthy digestive system, helps to heal diseased gums,packed with Vitamin A, B, C which will help boost your immune system and provide you with natural energy. If you have a hard time drinking water eat cucumber which is made of 96% water so they will naturally help keep you hydrated. Amazing! Read More Here
Hope you all enjoy this healthy treat as much as I did 🙂
LaShana Nicole,