The Celery Juice Craze! Should You Drink It?
Celery juice is the new health craze going around the health community and so many people are jumping on the drink celery juice band wagon. The question is, should you incorporate celery juice into your daily routine too? What’s they hype? Is it really healthy? And why is everyone drinking the green juice? I’ve been drinking it for about a month now and I am here to answer your questions and tell you some of the amazing benefits you’ll receive from drinking this juice. Let’s get started!
1. Skin Food: Celery is great for the skin. It is an alkaline based food. It helps to rid the body of toxins, while purifying your blood stream and cleansing your liver! Celery juice also helps with inflammation which is also the cause of acne flare ups. Celery is 95% water and will help to keep your skin hydrated. If you’re struggling with acne, psoriasis, or skin rashes, try drinking celery juice!
2. Lowers Blood Pressure: It increases blood flow and reduces blood pressure.
3. Fights Off Cancer: It is high and antioxidants which will help to fight free-radicals and boost the immune system.
4. Digestive Health: Celery is high in fiber and will aid in constipation and creating a healthy gut. If you’re struggling with proper elimination, try juicing celery!
5. Anti-Aging: Yes to aging properly. Celery is in rich nutrients. It is loaded with vitamins A, B, C, K, and folate. It aids in keep the skin nourished and promotes collagen. If you’re looking to preserve your youth, try this juice!
6. Weight Loss: Drinking celery juice will assist in weight loss. It is low in calories but also filling!
7. Blood Sugar: Celery is low in sugar so wont spike blood sugar levels like some fresh juice.
8. Acid Reflux: Celery juice helps to restore the glands in the stomach and helps to produce hydrochloric acid which will help to reduce acid reflux and strengthen the liver. It is important to try and remove dairy, eggs, and gluten from the diet when you’re trying to get rid of acid reflux as well. Consume more plant based foods.
Thanks so much for checking out blog. I hope you guys gain valuable insight. Comment and let me know your thoughts below. Don’t forget to share the website with your friends and family♡
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Hugs & Happy Celery Juice Drinking,
LaShana Nicole❤