*The Distraction Bug*
How many times have you started out the day with a plan to get a whole list of things accomplished, then you looked up hours later and you had not even started on one of them. You drifted off into social media land, or into watch tv land, or even you drifted off into search the computer for hours land. You look up and think “My goodness where in the world did time go?”
In todays society there are seriously soo many ways to be distracted. We have so many options and things vying for our attention. It is up to us to decide what we will give our attention and time to.
The Social Media Distraction:
Social media is great and its an awesome way to meet, connect, and network with wonderful people from all over the world. You may ask well how is social media a distraction? Lets discuss:
Social media becomes a distraction if and when you allow it to take up important time that you are suppose to be focused on other things. When you wake up and the first thing you do is grab your phone to check the latest post (I’ve been guilty of this until I learned haha),and then you find your self on the forums for hours. When you have important stuff to accomplish but you can’t seem to get any of it complete because you are to busy looking at your social media feed sounds distracting to me haha.
It can also become a distraction when you begin to watch other people’s lives and you become obsessed with knowing what this & that person is doing. Am I saying don’t look at social media “Absolutely NOT” I am saying we must find balance. We must not allow it to consume our lives.
Social media can also cause dicontentment in your heart if you are not careful. It can cause you to start to compare your life to the people you are following. Remember social media in all forms (instagram, facebook, twitter, etc) is a highlight reel of other people lives. You are never seeing the behind the scenes day to day of whats really going on. The image depicted could be totally different in real life (the part you don’t see).
The Internet & Tv Distraction Bug:
Tv and the internet can also be very big distractions. There are people who sit and browse the internet for up to 10 hours or more a day. That is valuable time that you can never get back. Many times we watch our favorite t.v shows for hours at a time not realizing how much time is spent sitting in front of the television screen. We must all learn to cherish the beautiful gift of time we have been blessed with. Lets learn to make the most of our time and invest it wisely.
The People Distraction Bug:
At this present moment can you think of someone in your life that has become a distraction? People can become a distraction when we allow them to drag us into situations that we know we have no business getting involved in, or when the relationship is toxic yet we stick around instead of letting go. Evaluate all of your relationships and see if they are helping or hindering you. You become like the people you hang around most. Do you want to become like the people you are around? Would you mind being a reflection of your current environment? If you anwsered no then it is time to make some changes, let go and take a break from some of the people who may be distracting you.
Ways to make the most of your time and rid your life of Distraction:
1. Find balance with social media
(ex. If you notice you spend 4-8 hours a day on social media then discipline yourself to only spend 1-2 hours a day for the next week then try to make that a habit). You can get so much accomplished in the time that you would have been spending on social media
2. Take a break:
It is so very important that we sometimes pull away from all the distractions in life. Cut your phone off and just simply clear the clutter from your mind. This will allow you time to focus more on the things that you want to do in life.
3. Dont compare a highlight reel to your behind the scenes:
Social media makes it easy to make everything in life seem so perfect. Lets just be real NO ONE has the perfect everything no matter how hard that image is portrayed. Life happens to everybody the “good, bad, & ugly” at some point in time. Remember not to compare your life, and to stay thankful for all you have. God has blessed each person with beautiful gifts and talents, its up to you to use your time to work on those gifts and spend less time comparing what you have. Do what you have to do to become content with your portion & blessings even if this means unfollowing someone etc.
4. Cut the Tv off
Ok I literally dont even own a tv. I realized years ago how much time could be wasted simply watching tv. Taking a break from watching tv is also very beneficial. This will help to clear your mind from all the distractions. If you are watching a ton of reality tv shows where people are fighting and throwing bottles at each other, cheating on their mates, etc do you realize what you are allowing to be planted inside your heart? I know that may sound strange and many people don’t realize it, but what you watch and listen to affects your subconscious mind. Next thing you know somebody make you mad and you begin to react like what you watched or heard. I of course am not saying dont watch tv, as with any thing I suggest finding a balance and doing what you feel is best for you. I have saved a ton of time now that I dont watch tv and I am able to invest that time focusing on my goals.
5.Daily To-Do List
Make a daily list of things to do. This will help you stay on track with completing task and will allow you to make the most of the time you have been blessed with.
6. Accountabilty
Its great to have some people or a person around you who believes in you and who will help you to stay on track. Surround yourself with people who will be honest with you and also check in on your progress for the goals you are looking to accomplish in life.
7. Who do you hang around most
Evaluate your relationships and rid your life of anyone who is hindering you. Don’t hang out as much, talk as much etc do what you have to do to become focused on living your best life.
8. Read a book or listen to a inspirational teaching or sermon
Sometimes instead of logging on to social media, watching tv, or browsing the internet take time to work on self development. Cultivate your mind and learn new things. Try to read a new book every month,study a new language, or find a fun hobby etc. This will help you with not investing to much time in areas that are hindering you more than helping you.
Hope you enjoyed this blog. If it inspired you today feel free to share it with others. Thanks so much for taking the time to read 😉
Ps. If you need smoothie recipes you can download my smoothie ebook “Smoothie Luscious” today& I also have a juice ebook “The 21 Day Juice Habit” if you are looking to detox and cleanse your body from within. Find both now available on the store page.
*** www.lashananicole.com/store/products/the-21-day-juice-habit-ebook/
*** www.lashananicole.com/store/products/smoothie-luscious-e-book/
*** Raw Food Tutorials are up on www.youtube.com/loveshananicole
Hugs & Happy Getting Rid of Distractions
LaShana Nicole
Wow this is amazing! I’m going to ask the Lord to help me to apply these things to my life. Somethings I already do, but I do need to take a break from facebook even though I do a lot of encouraging and praying for others, but I do realize that God does want us to put him first even when do work for him. Thank you so much for sharing.
Youre welcome Esther 🙂 this is a friendly reminder to us all. Its very easy to be distracted in todays society. We must take time to pull away,spend time with God, and clear our minds from the clutter. Thanks for taking the time to read 😉
Theresa McGowan
Great wisdom….I really need to take advantage of applying some of the tools you gave. Thanks…I really enjoy reading your blogs.
Youre awesome Theresa. Thanks so much for taking the time to readthe blogs. I appreciate your support 😉