*OH MY GOSH* Where Do I Start?

You may be thinking I have no clue about eating healthy, where to start, darn it I don’t even cook lol. Well first off I was just like you and had no clue where to start. I didn’t even know how to grocery shop or what to buy. I was not always a cook, I barely knew how to make a salad lol but I’m so serious I was queen of fast food. Any thing that was made in 5 minutes or less was my best-friend, so YES I loved me a Whopper & fry, Big Mac, Chicken Mac-nuggets, Filet o Fish, Caramel Sundae etc. Regardless of where you are on your journey to health you are taking the right step by doing your research and deciding to make a change. Google and cook books became my college course. YOU can do it. This doesn’t mean you have to cut out all your favorite foods (For you meat lovers out there haha) this just means you have to incorporate more nutritious foods into your lifestyle change. I have decided to exclude meat from my daily eating plan, but you have to decide what works best for you. REMEMBER eating healthy takes time. I have been on this journey for over 7 years and I didn’t stop eating meat right away. There are several different options available to you. Let’s briefly discuss five different diets.

1. I want to become a “VEGAN”- When becoming a vegan you will no longer eat soy, meat or dairy. This diet pretty much excludes any animal products. Some vegans also do not use any products that have been derived or tested on animals.(So lots of raw plants, fruits, beans, seeds etc)

2. I want to become a “VEGETARIAN”- A vegetarian cuts out meat of any kind. This is easier than  the vegan diet because many vegetarians still consume some animal products like milk, cheese, eggs etc.

3. I want to become a “PESCETARIAN”- A person who chooses this diet eats only seafood as their source of meat. This may be a good option for those who would like to cut out beef, pork, chicken etc, but feel eating “no meat” is to hard to start. As I said eating healthy is a journey and a lifestyle change so for some they may need to work their way up.

4. I want to try the “RAW FOOD DIET”-  The raw food diet consist of food that is not processed, canned, or cooked. At least 75% of the food should be consumed raw and uncooked.

5. I want to try the PALEO diet- The paleo diet pretty much gives you much freedom when choosing what to eat. YES you can eat meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds with this diet. Paleo suggest not consuming dairy, grains, legumes, or sugar

I suggest watching the documentary “FORKS OVER KNIVES” it gives great detail into the journey of changing your eating habits. Click link>>> FORKS OVER KNIVES

Some great books I recommend are
“Veganomicon”  Purchase Veganomicon

“The Beauty Detox” Purchase Beauty Detox 
They were both so helpful and packed with tons of information and yummy recipes.

I will post meals that you can incorporate regardless of the diet you choose. This is all information I have obtained over the years. I am not a doctor and cannot give you a cure all. You must make the choices for your body by deciding on what works best for you. If you have any questions or need advice you can find me by clicking links directly>> tweet me >> instagram me and feel free to email me at galaxyqueen07@gmail.com

I Heart you all,
“Spread Love,Share Love,Be Love”
Shana Nicole

Hello Lovelies❤ I’m LaShana Nicole Founder of BeAHealthNutToo® a Holistic Health, Hair Care, and Skincare company. I am on a mission to help as many people grow, nourish, and nurse their hair back to life. Our Hair Care and Skincare products are made with pure natural ingredients with your health in mind. I want to welcome each of you to our growing community and thank you for your support. Read More

Comments: 8

  • reply
    April 22, 2013

    Thank you for this Blog. I really want to change my eating habits and have no clue where to start. Im looking forward to more post 🙂

  • reply
    April 22, 2013

    J Jarr aww Yayyy glad you are excited! More post coming soon 🙂

  • reply

    RaSheeda Mitchell

    April 23, 2013

    I have discussed many times with my husband my desire to become a vegetarian however, I struggle and having a difficult with eating veggies or pasta. Crazy, I know! I’m looking forward to following you as you blog about healthly eating habits and would love food suggestions or ideas for young children. Also, any suggestions for my sweet tooth cravings without packing on unhealthy pounds.

    • reply
      April 23, 2013

      I will absolutely post some SWEET TOOTH GOODIES that wont pack on pounds and are good for children too! More post coming very soon 🙂 its a process start slow and work your way up.

  • reply
    July 18, 2013

    Help need a great Detox for belly fat.

  • reply
    July 19, 2013

    J Jarr I just post a blog on a amazing detox. I recommend to someone and she lost 9 pounds in 8days. Its below go to dhealthstore.com and order the full body detox

  • reply
    November 9, 2013

    Super excited….I just downloaded by e-book and ordered my cup. Can’t wait to enjoy some of these amazing looking smoothies.

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