*Mango Salsa*
This salsa is just tasty on so many levels. The combo of sweet mango & spicy jelepeno is just bursting with flavor. I will make this every week. This salsa is also rich with nutrition. Perfect snack❤
Mango Salsa
Ingredients: (All Organic)
1 Large Ripe Red Mango
1 Medium Sized Jelepeno
1/2 Chop of Rough Chopped Red Bell Pepper
1 Cup of Rough Chopped if Fresh Cilantro
1 Lime (juice from 1 lime)
1/4 Cup of Half Red Onion & Half Green Scallions ( add less if you’re not a big onion fan)
Pinch of Himalayan Pink SeaSalt
Optional: Pinch of Smoked Paprika
Black bean tortilla chips (or tortilla chips of choice)
1. Clean + Rinse all ingredients + Chop ingredients(exclude lime) into small chunks (small enough to put on tortilla chips)
2. Place ingredients inside bowl + add lime juice + himalayan salt + mix well + serve on black bean tortilla chips
Enjoy this salsa recipe. Its So simple, easy, but very yummy. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Thanks so much for checking out this recipe. If you found this blog helpful be sure to share it with friends and family♡
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Hugs & Happy Mango Salsa Eating,
LaShana Nicole ❤