*Papaya Cleanse Smoothie*
Consuming Papaya and the seeds is a great natural way to help cleanse your body from worms and parasites.This smoothie combines both and will help flush the body and get rid of some of the intestinal critters. *Papaya Cleanse Smoothie* (All ingredients
*BerryBlissBerry Smoothie*
*BerryBlissBerry Smoothie* Ingredients: (All Organic) 2 Cups Frozen Blueberries 1 Frozen Banana 3 Frozen Apricots 1-2 Tbs Raw Agave Nectar (Adjust via your taste preference) 1-2 Cups of Alkaline Water ( Start with 1 cup & Add more water if needed) Toppings: Chia Seeds + Coconut Shreds
*Fruit Punch Smoothie*
*Fruit Punch Smoothie* Makes 2 Servings Ingredients (all organic) 15 Frozen Strawberries (freeze overnight) 5 Frozen Apricots 1 + 1/2 Cup Frozen Pineapples 2 Cups Coconut Milk (Add more if needed) Optional: 1 Tbs Raw Agave Nectar Toppings: Raw Cacao Nibs + Chopped Fresh Apricots + Fresh Blueberries Directions: 1. Place
*Melon Bowl Smoothie*
I just love smoothies! This one is SO yummy and started melting before I could snap the picture! Hahaha *Melon Smoothie Bowl* Ingredients (all organic) 1 Fresh or Frozen Honey Dew Melon 1 Frozen Pear 1 Frozen Banana 1 Cup of Water (Add more if needed) Toppings:
*Kale Blissful Smoothie*
*Kale Blissful Smoothie* Ingredients: (all organic) 2 Curly Kale Leafs ( Remove Stem) 2 Cups Frozen Pineapple Chunks 1 Frozen Mango 20 Fresh Blueberries 1 Orange (Use the Juice from 1 orange) 2 Cups Water Optional: 2 Tbs Raw Agave Nectar (If you prefer a super sweet taste) Toppings:
*Lettuce Hydration Smoothie*
Romaine lettuce contains about 17% protein including all 9 essential amino acids, it also contains a high amount of calcium, very high water content, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Iron, B vitamins, fiber, and it contains Omega 3s. Consuming
*Spirit Bloom Juice*
This juice is the perfect wake me up or pick me up juice in the morning or mid-day. It's delicous and so full of fruit bursting flavor. Pears are 84% water, loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C & K, Potassium, calcium,
*Cucumber Love Juice*
Want to hydrate your body and flush toxins at the same time?? Well juicing and consuming fruits & veggies with a high water content will do just that. Cucumbers & celery have 95% water content and here is a tasty
*KaleMazing Smoothie*
Kale is filled with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains natural sources of Vitamin A,K,C & B6 and willl be beneficial for boosting your immune system, great for preventing blood clotting, and helps with eye & bone health. Kale also
* Lime & Orange Infused Water*
Drinking fruit infused water is the perfect way to stay hydrated and add natural fruit flavor to your water. *Lime & Orange Infused Water* Ingredients (all organic) 2 Limes 2 Oranges Alkaline water Directions: 1. Cut 1 lime and 1 orange in half + squeeze the juice
*Parsley Flush Juice*
Parsley is loaded with vitamin A, B12, C & K. It helps to boost your immune system helping to fight off viruses, contains antioxidants & anti-imflammatory properties. Parsley will help with reducing swelling of the joints. It also helps to